Sunday, October 25, 2009

The end of October/ Middle of Cheshvan

Hi Parents and Students:
Today we will learn about "Crazy Abraham," the first Jew who heard HaShem's voice, who left everthing he had in Charan, and who ventured into Canaan to eventually settle. Did you know that he was also the first mohel and used himself as the guinea pig?

To learn, we used the smart board, parsha plays, and a cool video from G-DCAST.
PLEASE make sure your child gets to religious school NLT 9AM. Please give us the same courtesty that public school teachers expect. Punctuality coupled with great attendance is critical.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dear Parents and students,

It is a pleasure getting to know all the students. The beginnig seems promising. We learned about the Hilidays, thier customs and laws. We tasted apples, honey and pamagrenets. We also made sukka decorations.

In "Teffila"(prayers) we learned our first prayer "Or Chadash" p. 111. I tested most students, they all scored excellent.

Have a great Holiday

Mrs. Gold

Happy Sukkot from Mrs. Gold