Monday, December 21, 2009

Mrs. Gold-Happy Chanuka

Dear Parents and Students,

I want to thank all of you for your generous Channuka gift for me and my assistant Ben Gold. I also want to thank the room mothers for thier help at the Chanuka party and Kosher meal. They went out of their way to to make it a great succses. Thank you Mrs. Mia Goldstien, Samantha 's mom from the Wednesday class, Mrs. Hilary Platt Jacob's mom from the Tuesday class, and all of the helpers at the party; Mr. David Goldstein, Mrs. Donsky, and Mrs. Jodi Kalodner.

Thank you, and
Have a great winter vacation

Mrs. Gold

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Shalom Parents!
Great class today! We learned all about parsha Toldot and the wonderful story of how Esau foolishly gave up his birthright for a pot of Jacob's lentil stew. I showed the student works of classical art which portray the scene, and we had a great time watching students acting out in the humorous parsha play.

One of the main points to come out of today is that how we Jews have been born into a precious birthright and it is important that we not squander or reject the gift.

Please continue to make sure that your kids show up by 9 AM sharp. I teach from bell to bell, and it's tough on kids when they walk in 10 - 15 minutes late.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mrs. Gold November News

Dear Parents & Students,

We are busy learning the laws of "Kashrut". Please ask your son/daughter to tell you what we have learned. The students seem very enthusiastic on the subject.
Tefila (prayers)- We have just start to study "Lecha Adoni Hagedula" p. 141 in the Sidur. I tested most students on the " Or Chadash" and "Ahava Rabba".

I gave the students a booklet with all the prayers for this year. This booklet they can take home to practice.

I wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving

Mrs. Gold

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Visitor From Israel Comes To Class

What a learning experience we had last Sunday! Your child now has a concrete reason for bringing tzedakah to class.

Shira Skolnick, a liaison from the Jaffa Institute near Tel Aviv, has visited our Hey (5th grade) class for a number of years, and she shared with us a huge problem facing large numbers of Israeli kids - generational poverty. The dimes, quarters, and dollar bills that we save over the course of the school year go to this worthy institution that educates and feeds some of Israel's poorest children.

Please check out the site:

I have no doubt that this project will set our children up to do a lifetime of mitzvot through tzedakah.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The end of October/ Middle of Cheshvan

Hi Parents and Students:
Today we will learn about "Crazy Abraham," the first Jew who heard HaShem's voice, who left everthing he had in Charan, and who ventured into Canaan to eventually settle. Did you know that he was also the first mohel and used himself as the guinea pig?

To learn, we used the smart board, parsha plays, and a cool video from G-DCAST.
PLEASE make sure your child gets to religious school NLT 9AM. Please give us the same courtesty that public school teachers expect. Punctuality coupled with great attendance is critical.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dear Parents and students,

It is a pleasure getting to know all the students. The beginnig seems promising. We learned about the Hilidays, thier customs and laws. We tasted apples, honey and pamagrenets. We also made sukka decorations.

In "Teffila"(prayers) we learned our first prayer "Or Chadash" p. 111. I tested most students, they all scored excellent.

Have a great Holiday

Mrs. Gold

Happy Sukkot from Mrs. Gold